PLEASE SIGN UP by 6pm TODAY (2/24/2025): MD Enviro Bills Need Your Support!
Your Support Needed Please support Maryland communities by taking a moment today to register your support on two important environmental bills coming up for a hearing this Wednesday in the Maryland State Legislature. As the Trump administration works to gut our federal environmental laws, this first bill supports local governments to have their own, more protective,…
Campaign Launch
Great news! We have joined forces with the national effort, led by with US Reduces, to launch the Baltimore Reduces campaign. We will be distributing stickers to local businesses to showcases their commitment to participation in the zero waste movement through Reuse and allowing for BYO; Meaning we all can participate in zero waste by bringing…
Public Comment Needed
Submit your comments on the Solid Waste Management Plan next Monday, March 27, 6-7:30pm. Here’s the link to sign up to register to attend, read over the draft of the plan, and to provide comments on the online document, as well. We’ll be advocating for the deconstruction mandate recommendations, specifically the local policy we’ve been…